Cyd Bennette, 38, professes her innocence while being apprehended for prostitution on Halloween night in Durham, N.C. “We are just friends. We were just talking,” Bennette said, referring to the man she had been found sitting with in a parked car. Bennette was previously cited for prostitution. However, she said she continues to walk the streets in order to support her addiction to crack cocaine. Bennette began smoking crack after being molested by her stepfather when she was 16, she said. She is currently homeless. “I’m just living and surviving,” Bennette said.

Miveya Mendoza, a resident of the island of Isabela in the Galapagos, carves a pig that her husband, Klever Gil, brought home from a hunt while her four-year-old daughter watches. On this particular hunt Gil managed to kill four wild pigs and one wild cow. The meat will last the family for three weeks.

Kayla (last name withheld at her request), age 21, has worked in Durham as a dancer for a year and a half. An aspiring model, Kayla occasionally picks up modeling gigs and in between works at the club. While Kayla enjoys working as a dancer, lately the job has been fruitless as few have money to spend at clubs due to the recent economic crisis. Struggling to pay her bills, Kayla has lived without electricity for the past month and chain-smokes to curb her hunger.

Phil Foster, a sophomore education major at the University of Kentucky, competes in the UK Strongest Man on Campus Competition held November 7th-8th 2007. The competition was part of a pilot run for a new series that ESPN is planning for the summer of 2008.
“I never said anything,” reads the crucifix of Roller Jesus, a traditional figure at the Gay Pride Parade in downtown Durham, N.C. Durham holds an anual Pride Parade that is one of the largest in Southeastern U.S.A.

Dylan Turner, 18 and a validated gang member, sits in the back of a police vehicle while Durham Police Sergeant Cates calls Turner's mother.